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  • Writer's pictureChris Lewis

Come Stay and Relax

The Lodge is now renovated, refurbished and ready to take welcome guests

Last year we took over possession and responsability for the old Lodge section of the Manor House with a view to creating a comfortable yet authentic experience of staying in a Grade 2* listed dwelling. Due to the tests of time the Lodge was in a poor state of repair but over the winter armed with not much more than great spirit enthusiasm and driving requirement to fund ongoing repairs and provide an accommodation option for our guests we cracked on with stripping, removing and emptying numerous skips of old decay and damp. Now after 6 months the Lodge is finally complete and taking guests via the ever popular platform of Airbnb-

If you want a weekend escape from nearby inner city Birmingham, a weeks escape or just a convenient place to stay when visiting the area then the Lodge offers not just a place to rest your head but a place to immerse yourself in a real country home, grade 2* listed experience!

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